Marta Bergamini, principal of The Ethical Community Charter School, Jersey City brings you frequent insights on the school, its students and information of interest to families.

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Second Week in Review

Last week was an eventful week: we had our first fire drill, our first assembly,our first indoor recess, and our first project in the cafeteria!

Our assembly took place in the gym on 9/11. In the spirit of "Service", we honored our custodian Carlos Araujo Pine who will be returning to Ecuador. The students were thrilled with presenting Carlos  with a card and gift.

Indoor recess was a lot of fun with the Teacher Assistants organizing relay races and games!

The Kindergarten classes finished a unit on apples with a fun project in the cafeteria. Students from the three classes sampled different apples and recorded their taste preference on graphs.

When I walk down the hallway in the morning, students are sitting on the rug around their teacher participating in Morning Meeting. This is an activity where students greet each other, review the calendar, numbers, and other specific language arts and math concepts. It is a concise strategy that sets the tone for the day's agenda. 

Following our goal of creating Individualized Learning Goal Plans for each student, the staff is currently assessing their classes.